samedi 31 décembre 2022


We wish you a joyful new year!

If you like, you can download a printable version of bateaux de papier's 2023 calendar here.

lundi 12 décembre 2022

Whispering hooves


I was happy and proud to display a small selection of my photographs to accompagny the beautiful artwork of my friend Caroline: Whispering hooves. Inspired by native american culture, Whispering hooves, is a collection of handbags and purses hand delicately crafted in deer hide, embroidered with pearls, silver and turquoise. 

Gallery Ephemere, Verrières-le-Buisson, December 10th-11th


lundi 5 décembre 2022

Ostsee. Rügen

Photos 5-8, 10-12, 17-20, 22-27, 29, 30, 38-40 by Elsa. 

Wandering along the chalk cliffs of Rügen isle and its enchanting beech forest, bateaux de papier is about to turn into "a diary by Elsa"!